Events & Dates for the Diary
In addition to our Committee Meeting and Annual General Meeting, a number of events take place within the Dartford East Allotments and at external sites of interest. Members are notified of such by email and a list of events that may be of interest are listed below.

Annual General Meeting
This is your opportunity to hear the annual reports from each of the individual members of the steering committee, on subjects that matter to you, such as finance, security, events, maintenance, etc. It is here that you can also nominate and propose the Committee Members of next year's steering committee and have a say on how the allotment is run. Although a lot of business must be gotten through, there is often a raffle and presentations. It is also a great opportunity to meet some of the many other plotholders.

Plant Swap Day
Had a bumper crop this year? Produced much more than you can eat or give away to friends and family? Then come along to our plant swap event, where you can meet other plot holders and exchange plants, seeds, tips and knowledge. This is a great way to learn what grows well on the allotment and to obtain new plants to try on your plot at no expense. Just bring along any plants or seeds you no longer require and take what you can use. Some refreshments are also provided.

Nursery Open Day
Various Dates
Although usually only open to the trade, some professional nurseries will open their doors for member of the Dartford East Allotment & Gardens Association, this enables our members to see professionally grown plants as well as purchase high quality plants at trade prices.
Tickets to these events are limited and offered on a first come first served basis.

Seed Catalogue
Each year, as part of our membership of The National Allotments Society, we receive copies of the seed and gardening supplies catalogues from leading suppliers, this allows our members to order their requirements for the next growing season in advance at incredably reduced cost.
All orders received are handled by the committee and when available, a collection service operates from our on site premises, on a fixed day of the year.