Dartford East Allotments is an allotment site run by members for members. Our diverse membership is reflected in our wide range of individual plots. Reasons for maintaining each plot is varied, some like to grow their own food, some do it for excercise, some to it for pleasure, some few like to socialise, whilst others enjoy the solitude.

Dartford East Allotment & Gardens Association is a member of The National Allotments Society, as such we can provide our members with seeds and gardening supplies at preferential rates.
As our committee is made up of plot owners, so we actively refect the changing views of our members and strive to continually improve. Meetings occur approximately every five weeks and all plot holders are invited and encouraged to attend our Annual General Meetings as well as our Plant Swap events.
Who can have a plot?
Anyone can take on a plot at our gated and secure allotment, however you must be aged 18 or over to sign and commit to the agreement.
How soon can I get a plot?
Despite having over sixty plots, we are normally full. However there is usually one or two free plots available at times, most typically at end of the growing season, as members give up their plots for various reasons. We therefore maintain a waiting list, with plots being offered to those on the list, on a first come first served basis. Those on the waiting list may refuse a plot and go back on the waiting list if they aren't ready, or would prefer a different location within our site.
How big will my plot be?
Allotments are traditionally measured in rods, an old measurement dating back to Anglo-Saxon times. 10 poles is the accepted size of an allotment, the equivalent of 250 square metres or about the size of a doubles tennis court. The majority of our plots are the standard 250 square metres, however we also have a small number of half and quarter sized plots for anyone that doesn't require so much space, or cannot take on so much weeding. These are often desired and are only available as members give up their much loved plots.
Hints & Tips

​Gardening 101
The first question most people have is what shall I do with the space? Obviously you'll plant something, but what, will very much depend on your personal preferences. So lets focus on layout. You'll need beds to plant into, these should be big enough for your chosen crops but small enough so you can reach weeds in the centre without straining yourself. Leave a space between beds, which is wide enough to wheel a wheelbarrow along.

What can I grow?
The soil is superb and the only things you cannot plant are either illegal crops or fruit trees with normal or large root stock, only dwarf root stock is permitted on site. So the world really is your oyster in terms of options. However it is well worth discussing what others have had success with, as some varieties are more successful than others at the Gore Road site.