Risk Assessment
Dartford East Allotment and Gardens Association
Helping plot holders to keep themselves stay safe

Identified Hazards
1.1 Injury from loaned machines
1.2 Injury from vehicles on site
1.3 Trip hazards in common areas
1.4 Bacterial infections
1.5 Fires
1.6 Injury from plants
1.7 Water hazards
1.8 Chemicals
1.9 The buried oil pipe line
Who is at Risk
2.1 Plot holders
2.2 Plot holders visitors
2.3 Other visitors to the site
Control Measures
3.1 Loaned machines
3.1.1 All association machines must be maintained to manufacturer guide lines.
3.1.2 The association's machines must only be loaned and operated by plot holders
3.1.3 Plot holders loaning machines must be given the manufacturer's instructions for safe
3.1.4 Safety equipment recommended in manufacturers' equipment guides must be supplied and
worn by plot holders.
3.1.5 Plot holders must sign to the effect that they have been instructed on the safe use of the
machinery and have been given the appropriate safety equipment.
Vehicles on Site
3.2.1 Vehicles entering the site must not exceed 5mph
3.2.2 Vehicles must only be parked in designated areas (see plan on trading hut notice board)
3.2.3 All vehicles brought on-site are at the owner's own risk. The association is not liable for any
damage to the vehicle whilst on site.
3.2.4 Vehicles of plot holder’s visitors are the responsibility of the plot holder
3.2.5 Vehicles of other visitors to the site must be supervised by a committee member
Trip Hazards in Common Areas
3.3.1 Plot holders must not leave any items outside their plot
3.3.2 Any item that is found must be removed. If it is not possible to move it should be cordoned
off with hazard tape
Bacterial Hazards
3.4.1 Information as to the most common infections found in cultivated areas should be given to plot holders. This includes:
1. Tetanus
Tetanus bacteria are commonly found in soil and manure and enter the body through wounds. Although
it is rare it can have serious consequences. Most people are vaccinated against Tetanus; it is advisable to check with your GP to see if you are covered. You can check symptoms at www.nhs.uk
2. Weils Disease (Leptospirosis)
Although rare in the UK it is spread in the urine of rodents, you can catch it from contact with soil or
fresh water that has been infected. You can check symptoms at www.nhs.uk
3. Covid19
You should abide by the current government guidance on COVID-19 precautions. In addition, it is
recommended that you use hand sanitiser before touching the entrance gate on entry and again after
replacing the padlock. Repeat the procedure when leaving the site.
3.5.1 Any fire lit on a plot must be attended at all times and must be in a suitable place to prevent the spread of fire. In line with site rules, it must be fully extinguished before the plot holder leaves the site. Fires should not be lit on days when the weather conditions could cause smoke to affect adjacent plot holders or perimeter roads.
3.5.2 Fires in other locations must only be lit by committee members and must be attended at all times
Injury from Plants
3.6.1 Plants that could cause injury, e.g. those with thorns, must be trimmed so as not to impinge on adjacent plots. Those in common areas should be maintained to limit risk. It is also recommended that any canes used on the allotments under 6ft in height should be capped to prevent eye injury.
Water Hazards
3.7.1 All ponds to be guarded.
3.8.1 All chemicals used on plots must be used in line with the manufactures instructions. Any chemical that could cause injury or be hazardous to health should not be kept on site, and should be removed from site after use.
3.8.2 All products held in the Trading Hut must be handled and dispensed in line with the COSHH data sheets. (See folder in Trading Hut.)
Oil Pipeline
3.9.1 All plot holders to be made aware of the path of the pipe line across the site and the buried
depth.( Site plan on trading hut). Plot holders with plots on indicated route must not use post
spikes or drive posts in to a depth greater than 300mm. The Oil Pipe line crosses Plots
1A,1.2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10b,11,12,,F, G, J, K, M, and L.